Beam-Target Interactions

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You've managed to direct the fearsome energies of your death ray beam onto your foe. Great! So now you have an intense irradiated spot on your target. What happens next?

There are several that are useful to know when trying to figure this out. There is the total beam power incident on your target. There is the beam spot diameter when it is at your target. When you know both of these, you can find the beam intensity . There's the length of time your beam stays on that spot . The total energy delivered by the beam is related to the beam power and duration by . And the fluence is the total energy delivered for a given amount of area, .

Okay. Great! Now what happens to our target?

No effect

Well that was disappointing. How will we know if our beam won't do anything? Or more generally, we want to know what are the threshold beam properties we need to cause damage to our target.

We'll start by looking at the amount of energy (and power, intensity, and fluence) actually delivered to our target. There are three things that can happen: the energy can be reflected or scattered out of the target, the energy can be tranmsitted or pass through the target, or the energy can be absorbed by the target. Only the absorbed energy will actually do anything. The amount of radiation that is absorbed depends on the kind of radiation and the nature of the target.

For most of the commonly encountered laser wavelengths, from all the infrareds through visible light and ultraviolet to the soft x-rays, transmission will be negligible for any reasonable target. Sure, if the target is thinner than paper or made out of glass or something you might have to take transmission into account, but normally we are thinking of shooting things made of steel, aluminum, concrete, exotic carbon allotropes, or skin, meat, gristle, viscera, tendon, and bone. In particular, these will all tend to get absorbed at the surface (although near infrared light going biological tissue does tend to penetrate deeply and scatter a lot). Metals tend to be initially quite reflective in the infrared part of the spectrum, but reflectivity falls off as wavelengths get shorter and generally metals stop being reflective in the ultraviolet. Non-metals don't tend to reflect much. But for high powered beams, a portion will be absorbed even by metals and this will heat the target, making the metal less reflective so that it absorbs more energy in a runaway process that can end with the metal absorbing nearly all the incident energy once it starts increasing significantly in temperature. From "Laser Machining Processes"[1]

Material Features
At room temperature, most metals are highly reflective of infrared energy, the initial absorptivity can be as low as 0.5% to 10%. But the focused laser beam quickly melts the metal surface and the molten metal can have an absorption of laser energy as high as 60~80%. Fusion cutting assisted with gas jet is used.
Non-metallic materials are good absorbers of infrared energy. They also have lower thermal conductivity and relatively low boiling temperatures. Thus the laser energy can almost totally transmitted into the material at the spot and instantly vaporize the target material. Vaporization cutting is commonly used, nonreactive gas jet is used to prevent charring.

So metallic reflectivity can be important for determining the threshold where the target starts taking damage, but doesn't matter much once it starts taking damage.

For beams consisting of highly energetic radiation, like hard x-rays or gamma rays or particle beams, the radiation is likely to be far more penetrating. Rather than heating the surface it will go deep into the target and heat a cylinder throughout its volume. If the radiation is penetrating enough, much of it might pass through the target. Radiation formed of energetic forms of light, like x-rays and gamma rays, will deposit more energy near where they are incident than farther in, following the Beer-Lambert law. Charged particles like electrons or ions, tend to deposit a mostly constant but slightly increasing amount of energy as they penetrate deeper, until they reach their maximum depth and dump all the rest of their energy in a localized spot inside the target (if they don't over-penetrate, that is).

Now that we have figured out how much energy has been dumped into our target, we need to figure out how the target gets rid of that energy and how much energy is needed to do something.