Welcome to the portal for Life - in the biological sense. Reminder: all of these articles are for speculative fiction in mind -- how we can apply these things to science fiction and contribute to it.
Life History
⛤ The historical; generalized evolution and ecology of life.
⛤ Conditions in which life is possible and can exist.
⛤ How life itself emerged; came to being.
⛤ Chemical systems and processes underlying all of physical life.
⛤ Cells compose all of life as we know it. What're they? Note: genetics and epigenetics goes here.
⛤ General anatomy and biomechanics of macro/microorganisms.
The art and science of keeping organisms alive: preserving the quality of life.
Intersection of life and engineering: melding life to our own purposes and designs.
Civil Ecology
⛤ How human or alien civilizations interact with their ecology and environment -- and use it.
STUB - go to Category:Life for now